System Requirements
For a great streaming experience with Shadow, all you need is a stable internet connection and a device capable of playing HD videos.
Hardware Requirements
Recommended specs
OS version | 10 |
CPU | Intel Skylake range (2015), Core™ i7 / i5 / i3, Pentium™, Celeron™, Xeon 2.60 GHz AMD AM2+ range (2012), Athlon™ II, FX™, Phenom™ II, Opteron™ |
RAM | 4 GB |
Additional software | DirectX 11 or higher |
Minimum specs
OS version | 10 or higher |
CPU | Intel Sandy Bridge range (2011), Core™ i7 / i5 / i3, Pentium™, Celeron™, Xeon 1.60 GHz AMD AM2+ range (2008), Athlon™, Sempron™, Phenom™, Opteron™ |
RAM | 2 GB |
Additional software | DirectX 9c or higher |
Recommended models
iMac models | from 2015 or later |
MacBook / MacBook Air models | from 2016 or later |
MacBook Pro models | from 2016 or later |
iMac Pro models | from 2017 or later |
Minimum configuration
OS version | macOS 10.15 or higher |
CPU | x86-64 (Intel Core 2 Duo processor, Intel Core i3 / i5 / i7, or Xeon) Processor M1 (Apple Silicon) or higher |
RAM | 4 GB |
Hard Drive Space | 8 GB |
Firmware | System EFI 64-bit |
Minimum models
iMac models | Since end-2009 |
MacBook / MacBook Air models | Since end-2010 |
MacBook Pro models | Since end-2010 |
Mac Pro models | Since early 2008 |
Mac mini models | Since end-2010 |
Xserve models | Since early 2009 |
Recommended specs
OS version | Focal Fossa (20.04), Eoan Ermine (19.10) |
CPU | Intel Skylake range (2015), Core™ i7 / i5 / i3, Pentium™, Celeron™, Xeon 2.60 GHz, AMD AM2+ range (2012), Athlon™ II, FX™, Phenom™ II, Opteron™ |
RAM | 4 GB |
Additional software | libva-glx2 |
Minimum specs
OS version | Bionic Beaver (18.04), Eoan Ermine (19.10) |
CPU | Intel Sandy Bridge range (2011), Core™ i7 / i5 / i3, Pentium™, Celeron™, Xeon 1.60 GHz, AMD AM2+ range (2008), Athlon™, Sempron™, Phenom™, Opteron™ |
RAM | 2 GB |
Additional software | libva-glx2 |
Recommended specs
OS version | Android 8 |
Connection | 5Ghz WIFI |
Minimum specs
OS version | Android 5.0 or higher |
Recommended specs
Xbox / PS4 Controllers | iOS / tvOS 14.0 or higher |
Mouse / Keyboard without cursor locked feature | iOS / iPadOS / tvOS 13.4 or higher |
Minimum specs
OS version | iOS / tvOS 14.0 or higher |
Recommended specs
Supported models | Raspberry Pi 4 / Raspberry Pi 400 |
OS version | Raspberry Pi OS 64-bit |
RAM | 2 GB min, 4 GB recommended |
Limitation | Resolution 1080 / 60 Hz |

Shadow PC I Pro
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