Shadow Tutorials: our videos to optimize your cloud experience

New to Shadow PC? Just subscribed to Shadow Drive? Optimize your connection, connect your controllers or microphone, sync your local files in Shadow Drive... We've got you covered with a series of in-house videos to give you all the keys to our services.

How to play

As we've said before, at SHADOW, we have a clear ambition: to free technology from its physical limitations by making it accessible and affordable in a secure environment. To achieve this, beyond simple products and offers for everyone, we've created a series of short, effective tutorial videos, lovingly made by our creative team.

Shadow PC

Getting Started with Shadow PC:
To kick things off, here's a short video introducing you to the Shadow PC app and your new Shadow PC's initial startup! The process is the same on every platform: download the app, launch it, sign in, start your session, and you'll access your Shadow PC:

Optimize Your Connection:
A stable connection is crucial for Shadow PC to function well, with the lowest latency possible. Here's a quick video to review some connection settings to ensure you have the best experience on Shadow PC:

Connect Your Controllers:
Beloved by gamers, Shadow PC is an incredible playground for fans of FPS, strategy games, and other simulations. We'll show you in under a minute how to easily connect your controllers

Connect Your Microphone:
Where there are video games, there's often a mic... Here's a quick video to guide you on how to connect your microphone to Shadow PC:

Shadow Drive

Introducing Shadow Drive:
Our sovereign and secure cloud storage service has been available for a few months now. Check out this video to discover Shadow Drive and its three main features: back up your files, sync them, and share them across all your devices.

Shadow PC in Browser:
Thanks to our new feature, Shadow PC in Browser, you can access Shadow PC from any device without installing any app. We'll explain it all in just a few seconds (promise!):

Shadow PC I Gaming

Subscribe to access your gaming PC instantly.
Launch Shadow PC & install your favorite gaming platforms.