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Shadow is officially rolling out its next-gen offers to the U.S.

Our RTX-powered offers, Shadow Ultra and Infinite, are coming to the U.S. Here's everything you need to know!

Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to wield the power of a TITAN RTX graphics card on that old laptop of yours picking up dust in the closet? 

Wonder no more. 

That’s because we’re officially rolling out our next-generation offers, Shadow Ultra and Infinite, to the U.S. (Check out the FAQ and anticipated release dates here).

Thanks to this release, all the devices you already own instantly become the supercharged gaming PC of your dreams. Finally quench your thirst for RTX gaming and bring your own next-gen device to the party.

And even better, harness cutting-edge components which alone would cost you the price of an entire PC. 

Here’s everything you need to know about the release and how you can be one of the first to get your hands on this game-changing technology.   

When and where will the new offers be released?

A true technological feat, the release of Shadow Ultra and Infinite will be phased-out by region, and in limited quantities, to ensure the gaming experience is up to snuff with our quality standards.  

The roll-out will begin with our Chicago-based datacenter at the end of November. In the following months, the new offers will slowly be rolled out in our three other Shadow regional datacenters – located in Texas, California and New York. 

Showing love to our community

With community at the core of everything we do, our goal is to build the best possible gaming experience together, hand-in-hand with #TeamShadow. 

And this time is no different. 

After working in close collaboration with our users to develop and conceive these new offers, the initial batch will be made exclusively to them. That’s right, you must have an active Shadow Boost account in order to access the forthcoming tiers. 

Once the new offers are live in your regional datacenter, simply follow these simple steps to upgrade your account to next-gen hardware.

  1. Log in to your customer space
  2. Click the ‘Subscription & Billing’ tab
  3. Choose the offer you want
  4. Select a commitment plan 
  5. Confirm billing and payment information

And if you don’t have an account, no worries! Simply grab a Shadow Boost account first for your chance to upgrade once your account is activated - it’s that easy!

💡 Please note: upgrades available are while supplies last and on a first come, first serve basis.

Wait, what’s Shadow Ultra and Infinite again? 

If you don’t remember exactly what Shadow Ultra and Infinite is, don’t worry! Here’s a quick refresher to bring you up to speed. 

Alongside, Shadow Boost, which is currently available and allows to play any game on any device with zero visible latency for only $11.99 per month, here’s what you need to know:  

Shadow Ultra 

Shadow Ultra is the perfect plan for gamers who feel actual physical pain when lowering their in-game settings from high to medium. Capable of up to 4K resolution with ray-tracing on (that’s super fancy lighting and shadows if you didn’t know), you’ll be the envy of all your console obsessed and PC master race friends.

With the Shadow Ultra plan, you’ll be able to run the latest games without breaking a computational sweat. Flex your graphical muscles to the max with this powerful cloud gaming package. Go on, let’s see those binary-code biceps. 

Shadow Infinite

With Shadow Infinite, it’s time to legally change your name to “Max”. Why? Because you won’t be playing games on anything less than max “ultra” settings at 4K. We hear you yelling, “How is such sorcery possible?” Well, with the Shadow Infinite plan you’re armed with a GPU that goes toe-to-toe with an Nvidia Titan RTX. You’ll also get 32GB of RAM, a crazy-fast CPU equipped with unlimited bragging rights. 

We’ll excuse you for laughing in the face of even the most technically advanced games that cross your path - they don’t stand a chance.

If you’re curious, you can check out the full specs here and in the image below. 

Bring your own next-gen device

Next-gen is not about new hardware. It’s about playing the games you love the way they are meant to be played - this is Shadow’s promise to you. 

So strap in, fire up your own next-gen device, and game on.