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Can it run DOOM? 5 pieces of tech you’ll never believe you can run Shadow on

These screens didn't expect to display 1080p games one day.

We have just one (awesome) goal at Shadow: to give people access to a supercharged gaming PC on any device. Really – any. From playing triple-A games on teensy tiny phones, to embarking on graphically gorgeous thrill rides across giant cinema screens, here’s a glimpse of the most surprising tech we’ve been able to game on with Shadow so far.

1. The world’s smallest phone

Forget what you heard. Size doesn’t matter, people. At least, not when you’re gaming through your Shadow. Get a load of this:

Nope – your eyes don’t deceive you. That’s the world’s smallest phone… and we’re playing Far Cry 5 on it. On max settings (because bugs appreciate ultra HD quality too, you know.)

All you need is a tiny controller, and you’ve got the perfect mini set-up. 2. This hunk of metal from The Land Before Time

Stuck at grandma’s house over the holidays with only her prehistoric Windows 2000 PC for company? That’s a horror story we can all relate to. Luckily, now we have the smarts to turn even the most fossil-like technology into a top-end gaming PC.

We took this ancient hardware…

… connected it to a monitor...

… and were able to play the brand-new Assassin’s Creed Odyssey without a hitch! Don’t you just love the cloud? 3. This car screen of dreams

Still using your car’s monitor as a sat nav? Quit living in the past and check this out:

This is a video of Shadow user Piccard60 streaming World of Warcraft through his car’s screen – and in pretty amazing quality, too. We’re sure we’re not alone when we say that traffic jams just got a whole lot more interesting. 4. This pretty beast-like iMac

Everybody loves a hearty dish of “Mac and Stream” at lunch – particularly at Shadow HQ! Here’s one of our employees seamlessly playing Battlefront 2 on his 27-inch iMac (excuse the mess):

That’s right. Even though Apple computers aren’t renowned for their gaming prowess, through Shadow, any PC can grant you that top-end gaming experience you crave. 5. The biggest screen in Europe (seriously)

You don’t have to be a maths genius to know that “humongous screen + Grand Theft Auto 5 = a really winning idea”. We teamed up with YouTube streamer Pro Syndicate​ to play Rockstar’s most famous work at the Grand Rex in Paris - and we’ve got to say, it’s an experience we’d be willing to relive...

…we think it’s safe to say Pro Syndicate would agree.

Have anything to add? Tell us about the craziest tech you’ve managed to game on with Shadow over at our Twitter or Facebook page.