August 30th. Remember that date. That’s when the Man of Medan - the first game in The Dark Pictures Anthology by Supermassive Games - will be released. And it’s also when you should subscribe to Shadow if you haven’t already, so that you can make the most of this terrifying title by playing it in a terrifying location of your choice, on any device.
We mean, let’s face it. We all know that there’s no better way to enjoy a new horror game than in an equally sinister setting - and the Man of Medan promises to deliver on dread. Based on an old urban legend, it follows five playable characters as they try to escape a ghost ship, which has been plagued by a supernatural evil. Gameplay isn’t simple, either, as the choices you make will impact on each character’s fate, dictating whether they live or die. With many possible endings, we’re positive it’ll both thrill and chill us to our cores. We can’t wait to dive in.
The only question is, fellow horror lovers: which spine-chilling location will you choose to scare your socks off in? (Warning: these aren’t for the faint of heart…)
So a ship might not seem like the most obvious scary location - it’s certainly no Victorian asylum or abandoned hospital - but in the context of this game, we reckon it’d be pretty darn thrilling. First of all, the Man of Medan takes place in the Pacfic Ocean… on a freaky ghost ship, no less. And while the one in the game is haunted, and yours (hopefully) isn’t, it’ll be impossible not to draw some parallels between what you see on-screen and what’s around you, IRL. Sure, there may not be ghosts trying to kill you (that you know of), and your friends might not be dying at the hands of some otherworldly evil (... that you know of), but there’ll be miles of sea all around - and plenty of narrow corridors, slippery decks and dark corners, too. The perfect place to sink into this particularly petrifying story.
Whether you believe in ghosts or not, you have to admit that the derelict mansion your parents warned you about has some seriously haunted vibes. Before you, few will have been brave enough to tread there (except for the occasional trick-or-treater who was dared to by their mates) - making it the perfect gaming location for those with nerves of steel. Full of freaky furnishings and things that go “bump” in the night, you probably couldn’t choose a more badass location in which to outsmart the Man of Medan’s many, many ghoulish antagonists - but you should be careful. The mansion’s undead residents might be inspired to play some tricks on you after watching what this game’s ghouls do. Wait… what was that noise?
The devs behind the Man of Medan have taken lengths to ensure that you feel as isolated as possible during the game (thanks!) - so why not get into the spirit of things by playing it in the middle of nowhere? A terrifying cabin in the woods, for example? With only the howling of the wind outside for company? It might sound like a recipe for soiled pants, but it could also be a clever way to put yourself in the shoes of your characters, who will be just as alone as you are… ghosts aside, of course. (Top tip: bring spare pants.)
Like a ship, a plane might not seem like the scariest place to play the Man of Medan: that is, until you remember that the story begins with the characters trying to find a sunken WWII plane in the Pacific. Hey, kind of like the plane that you’re flying around in! Spooky, huh? Traverse the cursed ship’s decks and cabins as you glide across the water, wondering all the while about what lies beneath the waves. Who knew flying could be so frightful?
Where will you be playing the Man of Medan on August 30th? Let us know over on Discord!