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Reliable, eco-friendly and ultra-secure: the benefits of cloud computing

It won't make coffee, unfortunately.

Still saving your pennies to buy a PC? That’s so 2005. With over 3.6 billion of the world’s reported 4.1 billion internet users accessing cloud computing services everyday, it’s clearer than ever that cloud-based systems are the future… and with Shadow, it’ even the present! Cloud computing offers tons of benefits that your temperamental and expensive on-site tech simply can’t – read on for just a few of them.

1. You can avoid pretty much every IT emergency in the book

Has your laptop been lost or stolen? Skip the panic attack. If your data is saved on a cloud computer like Shadow, it’s both protected from potential thieves and accessible from any of your other electronic devices – so you can pick up your smartphone and just keep on working. In addition, you can delete data from missing tech remotely through the cloud, doubly ensuring that it never falls into the wrong hands.

And there’s more. The bedlam that once followed your servers crashing, computers freezing or spilling something on your laptop (R.I.P.) is a thing of the past with cloud computing. No matter what happens to your on-site gizmos, whatever you put on the cloud is untouchable (aaand breathe.)

2. You’ll enjoy the latest upgrades... without any of the hassle

It’s Christmas everyday with cloud computing. Your Shadow will install all the latest system updates and new software once they’re available, ensuring that you always have access to the latest tech. No more suffering through hours of installations. Winning.

3. It’s a more sustainable solution

It’s not easy being green… unless you’re using cloud computing, that is. In subscribing to Shadow, you’ll share a remote server with plenty of other users. This saves you buckets of energy in comparison to having your own on-site tech, reducing the size of your carbon footprint and monthly outgoings at once.

4. It works anywhere… and on anything

Want to log on to the cloud through your smartphone on the train? Or maybe through your iPad in a cafe? Or perhaps you’d like to hop onto your very own, top-end gaming PC from your laptop while in bed (which you ​can totally do​ with Shadow)? So long as you’re connected to the internet, all of this and more is possible. You can access the cloud wherever, whenever and with whatever device you prefer.

5. It opens up a whole world of flexible options

Beat the queues and hassle of upgrading your outdated on-site tech by switching to the cloud. In the future, you will be able to adjust your Shadow to make it fit any of your needs – whether you’re after more or less storage space, extra bandwidth or more. Cloud-computing services could also provide insights about your cloud-based data that may prove useful (especially for businesses), and offer much faster download and upload speeds than your average, local PC.

Most of this does already exist with Shadow. And there’s a lot more to come. So don’t hesitate to level up your gaming experience through the power of the cloud – subscribe to Shadow Tech today.