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How to simplify your IT Infrastructure with shadow PC Manager

La gestion d'un parc informatique peut se révéler complexe et chronophage dans le quotidien d’une entreprise. Shadow PC Manager vous propose aujourd’hui une solution innovante pour exécuter cette tâche, en offrant notamment des outils de gestion IT simplifiée, de même qu’une optimisation des ressources informatiques. Zoom sur la manière dont cette plateforme peut transformer l'administration des postes de travail de votre entreprise.

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How Shadow Pro helps Qwant overcome its technological challenges

Faced with growing technological needs, companies seek reliable, accessible, and cost-effective solutions. For Qwant, a French search engine, Shadow Pro has emerged as the perfect partner to overcome its computing power challenges. Discover now how this collaboration sparks innovation!

Case Studies Pro


Three must-have under $25 on the Shadow Game Store

Looking to expand your gaming library with classic and affordable titles? Discover our selection of top games for small budgets, all available on the Shadow Game Store.

Game News


How Olivier Blin uses Shadow Pro to boost his productivity and improve clients' workflows

With Shadow Pro, event designer and scenographer Olivier Blin (from Madame Pepper Consulting) transformed how he creates and showcases his projects. Thanks to our cloud computing solution, he can now access a powerful, portable virtual machine that enhances every step of his work—enabling him to conduct immersive meetings with his clients, anywhere and at any time!

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Dateien von Ihrem Shadow PC auf Ihr lokales Gerät zu kopieren war noch nie so einfach

Hier ist ein lang erwartetes Feature: die Möglichkeit, Dateien von Ihrem Shadow PC auf Ihr lokales Gerät auf den PC- und Mac-Apps zu kopieren. Diese neue Funktion ergänzt unser bestehendes Drag-and-Drop-System (Ziehen & Ablegen) von Ihrem lokalen Gerät zu Ihrem Shadow PC und stärkt somit die Interaktion zwischen Ihrem Shadow PC und Ihren persönlichen Geräten.

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Protect your shadow account and cloud experience

Security is a priority when using online services like Shadow PC.

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How to optimize your gamepad experience on Shadow PC

When it comes to gaming, precision and responsiveness are crucial, especially if you choose to play with a gamepad.

How to play
